Insights into Children's Behavioral Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Parents During Quarantine in Serbia / Karantin u Srbiji: promene u ponašanju dece tokom pandemije COVID-19 iz perspektive roditelja

Pavlović, Svetlana and Micić, Isidora and Radanović, Ana and Krstić, Ksenija (2024) Insights into Children's Behavioral Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Parents During Quarantine in Serbia / Karantin u Srbiji: promene u ponašanju dece tokom pandemije COVID-19 iz perspektive roditelja. Journal of the Institute for Educational Research; Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, 56 (1). pp. 79-97. ISSN 1820-9270

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The research aimed to examine parental perceptions of children’s reactions and behavioral changes related to the corona virus and the measures implemented to curb the pandemic. Due to the shutdown of educational institutions, the introduction of social distancing, and curfews, children spent most of their time within the family unit, with limited opportunities for socialization and playing with peers. Numerous studies have shown that quarantine measures can have serious psychological consequences on children and young people. In our study, 89 parents of children aged 3 to 11 years (M=6.79; SD=2.49; 58% girls) responded to three openended questions regarding observed behavioral changes in their children associated with the fear of the corona virus and quarantine measures. The research was conducted online during the state of emergency in Serbia. Using qualitative content analysis, 267 parental responses were analyzed, from which 28 categories were identified. Half of the parents noticed a fear of COVID-19 in their children, while the majority reported various changes related to quarantine measures. The most frequently mentioned were fear of going outside, asking questions about the virus, and the emergence of new behaviors. Parents observed reactions such as nervousness, intensified anger, sadness, anxiety, and difficulties in concentration and establishing routines. The results of this study provide important insights into children’s functioning in a specific context, highlighting the significance of parental and school practices in situations of uncertainty and crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita kako roditelji percipiraju reakcije i promene u ponašanju dece u vezi sa virusom korona i merama donetim radi suzbijanja pandemije. Zbog zatvaranja obazovnih ustanova, uvođenja socijalnog distanciranja i policijskog časa deca su provodila vreme uglavnom unutar porodice, i imala su ograničene moguć- nosti mogućnosti za socijalizaciju i igru sa vršnjacima. Mnoge studije su pokazale da uvođenje karantinskih mera može imati ozbiljne psihološke posledice po decu i mla- de. U našem istraživanju 89 roditelja dece uzrasta od 3 do 11 godina (M = 6,79; SD = 2,49; 58% devojčica) odgovorilo je na tri otvorena pitanja o uočenim promenama u ponašanju svoje dece koje dovode u vezu sa strahom od virusa korona i karantinskim merama. Istra- živanje je sprovedeno onlajn tokom vanrednog stanja u Srbiji. Koristeći kvalitativnu analizu sadržaja, analizirano je 267 odgovora roditelja, iz kojih je identifikovano 28 kategorija. Polovina roditelja je primetila strah od virusa COVID-19 kod svoje dece, dok je većina navela različite promene povezane sa karantinskim merama. Najčešće su pominjani strah od izlaska napolje, postavljanje pitanja o virusu i pojava novih oblika ponašanja. Roditelji su primetili različite reakcije poput nervoze, intenzivirane ljutnje, tuge, anksioznosti i probleme sa koncentracijom i uspostavljanjem rutine. Rezultati ove studije pružaju važne uvide o funkcionisanju dece u specifičnom kontekstu, ističući značaj roditeljskih i školskih praksi u situacijama neizvesnosti i krize kao što je pandemija COVID-19.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: fear, COVID-19, quarantine, children, parents / strah, COVID-19, karantin, deca, roditelji
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Depositing User: iksi iksi
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2024 08:21
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2024 08:40

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